Gene Pathway Pathway source Gene number Edge number
CSNK2A2 Cadherin signaling pathway panther 147 2522
CSNK2A2 Condensation of Prometaphase Chromosomes reactome 11 50
CSNK2A2 Cooperation of PDCL (PhLP1) and TRiC/CCT in G-protein beta folding reactome 42 460
CSNK2A2 Parkinson disease panther 85 658
CSNK2A2 Regulation of TP53 Activity through Phosphorylation reactome 89 1144
CSNK2A2 Signal transduction by L1 reactome 21 91
CSNK2A2 WNT mediated activation of DVL reactome 8 22
CSNK2A2 Wnt signaling pathway panther 250 3827
CSNK2A2 Wnt signaling pathway kegg 135 1586
CSNK2A2 Adherens junction kegg 70 644
CSNK2A2 Tight junction kegg 131 1174