Gene Pathway Pathway source Gene number Edge number
HDAC2 Activation of rRNA Expression by ERCC6 (CSB) and EHMT2 (G9a) reactome 74 2448
HDAC2 Constitutive Signaling by NOTCH1 HD+PEST Domain Mutants reactome 57 500
HDAC2 Constitutive Signaling by NOTCH1 PEST Domain Mutants reactome 57 500
HDAC2 Direct p53 effectors pid 141 972
HDAC2 Factors involved in megakaryocyte development and platelet production reactome 111 689
HDAC2 Glucocorticoid receptor regulatory network pid 85 876
HDAC2 HDACs deacetylate histones reactome 94 3780
HDAC2 Hedgehog signaling events mediated by Gli proteins pid 49 297
HDAC2 Negative regulation of (transcription by R-smad:smad4) in TGF beta super family signaling pathway ( TGF-beta_super_family_signaling_pathway(canonical) ) inoh 21 184
HDAC2 NoRC negatively regulates rRNA expression reactome 104 4095
HDAC2 Notch netpath 76 661
HDAC2 NOTCH1 Intracellular Domain Regulates Transcription reactome 47 463
HDAC2 p75NTR negatively regulates cell cycle via SC1 reactome 6 10
HDAC2 Regulation of nuclear beta catenin signaling and target gene transcription pid 80 611
HDAC2 Regulation of nuclear SMAD2/3 signaling pid 82 1072
HDAC2 Regulation of Telomerase pid 70 708
HDAC2 Regulation of TP53 Activity through Acetylation reactome 23 208
HDAC2 RNA Polymerase I Transcription Initiation reactome 47 743
HDAC2 Signaling events mediated by HDAC Class I pid 89 1618
HDAC2 TNFalpha netpath 274 5236
HDAC2 Wnt signaling pathway panther 250 3827
HDAC2 Cell cycle kegg 124 2334
HDAC2 Notch signaling pathway kegg 44 313
HDAC2 Huntingtons disease kegg 182 1941
HDAC2 Pathways in cancer kegg 321 8293
HDAC2 Chronic myeloid leukemia kegg 69 881