Gene GO_Trem Identifier
Arhgap5 cytosol GO:0005829
Arhgap5 endoplasmic reticulum GO:0005783
Arhgap5 plasma membrane GO:0005886
Arhgap5 GTP binding GO:0005525
Arhgap5 GTPase activator activity GO:0005096
Arhgap5 GTPase activity GO:0003924
Arhgap5 SH2 domain binding GO:0042169
Arhgap5 mammary gland development GO:0030879
Arhgap5 positive regulation of cell migration GO:0030335
Arhgap5 positive regulation of mesenchymal cell proliferation GO:0002053
Arhgap5 regulation of cell size GO:0008361
Arhgap5 signal transduction GO:0007165