Gene Pathway Pathway_source Pathway_id
Bcl10 Phosphorylation of Bcl10 IEA R-MMU-202459
Bcl10 Interaction of Bcl10 to CARMA1 IEA R-MMU-202466
Bcl10 Recruitment of TAK1 kinase complex to oligo-K63-pUb-TRAF6 IEA R-MMU-2730861
Bcl10 Recruitment of TRAF6 to CBM complex by binding to MALT1 IEA R-MMU-2730864
Bcl10 Phosphorylation of IKK-beta by TAK1 IEA R-MMU-2730876
Bcl10 Interaction of Bcl10:Malt1 with Carma1 to form CBM complex TAS R-MMU-2730893
Bcl10 Oligomerization of BCL10 and MALT1 IEA R-MMU-2730899
Bcl10 Activation of TAK1 complex bound to pUb-TRAF6 IEA R-MMU-2730900
Bcl10 Oligomerization of TRAF6 IEA R-MMU-2730903
Bcl10 Auto-ubiquitination of TRAF6 IEA R-MMU-2730904
Bcl10 K63polyUb-TAK1 autophosphorylates IEA R-MMU-5607732
Bcl10 BCL10 binds CARD9 IEA R-MMU-5607733
Bcl10 MALT1 oligomerizes IEA R-MMU-5607736
Bcl10 BCL10 oligomerizes IEA R-MMU-5607737
Bcl10 K63polyUb-p-3T,1S-TAK1 phosphorylates IKK-beta IEA R-MMU-5607742
Bcl10 MALT1 binds BCL10 IEA R-MMU-5607744
Bcl10 TRAF6 binds MALT1 oligomers IEA R-MMU-5607747
Bcl10 TRAF6 oligomerizes IEA R-MMU-5607751
Bcl10 TRAF6 oligomer autoubiquitinates IEA R-MMU-5607756
Bcl10 K63polyUb-TRAF6 ubiquitinates TAK1 IEA R-MMU-5607757
Bcl10 TRIKA2 binds K63polyUb-TRAF6 oligomer IEA R-MMU-5607759
Bcl10 RNF181 binds BCL10 and Ubiquitin:E2 IEA R-MMU-8939323
Bcl10 RNF181 polyubiquinates BCL10 IEA R-MMU-8939335
Bcl10 RNF181 polyubiquinates BCL10 IEA R-MMU-8939335