Gene Pathway Pathway_source Pathway_id
Carm1 Fatty acid ligands activate PPARA IEA R-MMU-400143
Carm1 CARM1 methylates arginine-18 (H3R17) of histone H3 IEA R-MMU-5205822
Carm1 CARM1, PRMT6 methylate arginine-3 of histone H3 (H3R2) IEA R-MMU-5205824
Carm1 CARM1 methylates arginine-27 of histone H3 (H3R26) IEA R-MMU-5229010
Carm1 CARM1 binds TBP:TFIIA:DDX5:ESR1:estrogen:TFF1 gene IEA R-MMU-9009526
Carm1 Histone acetyltransferases are recruited to the TFF1 gene IEA R-MMU-9023860