Gene Pathway Pathway_source Pathway_id
Ddx5 Formation of Exon Junction Complex IEA R-MMU-156661
Ddx5 SUMOylation of DDX5 with SUMO1 IEA R-MMU-3900177
Ddx5 SUMOylation of DDX5 with SUMO1 IEA R-MMU-3900177
Ddx5 PIAS1 SUMOylates DDX5 with SUMO2 IEA R-MMU-3900194
Ddx5 PIAS1 SUMOylates DDX5 with SUMO2 IEA R-MMU-3900194
Ddx5 Formation of the Spliceosomal A Complex IEA R-MMU-72124
Ddx5 Formation of the Spliceosomal B Complex IEA R-MMU-72127
Ddx5 Formation of an intermediate Spliceosomal C (Bact) complex IEA R-MMU-72130
Ddx5 Formation of the active Spliceosomal C (B*) complex IEA R-MMU-72139
Ddx5 Lariat Formation and 5'-Splice Site Cleavage IEA R-MMU-72143
Ddx5 Cleavage at the 3'-Splice Site and Exon Ligation IEA R-MMU-72160
Ddx5 CARM1 binds TBP:TFIIA:DDX5:ESR1:estrogen:TFF1 gene IEA R-MMU-9009526
Ddx5 TBP and TFIIA bind TATA box on ESR1:estrogen bound TFF1 gene promoter IEA R-MMU-9009533
Ddx5 DDX5 binds ESR1:estrogen:TFF1 gene promoter IEA R-MMU-9009536
Ddx5 Histone acetyltransferases are recruited to the TFF1 gene IEA R-MMU-9023860
Ddx5 PRMT1 binds TBP:TFIIA:DDX5:ESR1:estrogen:TFF1 gene IEA R-MMU-9023861