Gene Pathway Pathway_source Pathway_id
Hdac6 Formation of CSL NCOR corepressor complex IEA R-MMU-350058
Hdac6 Dissociation of cytosolic HSF1:HSP90:HDAC6:PTGES3 upon sensing protein aggregates IEA R-MMU-5324632
Hdac6 HDAC6 deacetylates microtubules IEA R-MMU-5618331
Hdac6 Ubiquitin binds Vcp:Hdac6:Hsp90:Hsf1 TAS R-MMU-9646345
Hdac6 PolyUb-Misfolded Proteins:HDAC6 bind dynein motor IEA R-MMU-9646348
Hdac6 PolyUb-Misfolded Proteins:Hdac6 dissociate from complex TAS R-MMU-9646359
Hdac6 Hdac6 binds microtubule TAS R-MMU-9646393
Hdac6 PolyUb-Misfolded proteins bind vimentin to form aggresome IEA R-MMU-9646679
Hdac6 Aggresome dissociates from dynein and microtubule IEA R-MMU-9646685