Gene Pathway Pathway_source Pathway_id
Sin3a Fatty acid ligands activate PPARA IEA R-MMU-400143
Sin3a PPARA:RXRA heterodimer recruits corepressors IEA R-MMU-400183
Sin3a TOPORS SUMOylates SIN3A with SUMO1 IEA R-MMU-4085994
Sin3a TOPORS SUMOylates SIN3A with SUMO1 IEA R-MMU-4085994
Sin3a Nucleolar Chromatin Remodeling Complex (NoRC) binds intergenic spacer of rRNA gene TAS R-MMU-573336
Sin3a NoRC:intergenic spacer:Hdac:Dnmt complex deacetylates histone H4 and dimethylates lysine-9 of histone H3 in main promoter of the rRNA gene TAS R-MMU-573376
Sin3a NoRC:intergenic spacer:Hdac:Dnmt complex methylates cytosine in the rRNA genes TAS R-MMU-573383
Sin3a RUNX1 binds SIN3A,(SIN3B) co-repressor IEA R-MMU-8935732
Sin3a PRMT6 arginine methylates H3K4me2-Nucleosome at the ITGA2B gene promoter IEA R-MMU-8936584
Sin3a PRMT6 arginine methylates H3K4me2-Nucleosome at the GP1BA gene promoter IEA R-MMU-8936608
Sin3a PRMT6 arginine methylates H3K4me2-Nucleosome at the THBS1 gene promoter IEA R-MMU-8937022
Sin3a PRMT6 arginine methylates H3K4me2-Nucleosome at the MIR27A gene promoter IEA R-MMU-8937113
Sin3a MECP2 binds the SIN3A co-repressor complex IEA R-MMU-9005995
Sin3a Mecp2:Sin3a complex binds the Bdnf gene promoter TAS R-MMU-9006133
Sin3a Oprm1 gene expression is repressed by Mecp2 TAS R-MMU-9017925
Sin3a Mecp2:Sin3a complex binds Oprm1 gene promoter TAS R-MMU-9017958
Sin3a Gck gene expression is inhibited by Foxo1, Sin3a and Hdac TAS R-MMU-9625102
Sin3a Foxo1 and Sin3a:Hdac complex bind Gck gene promoter TAS R-MMU-9625109